Following worker complaints, Apple will increase benefits for retail employees

Including parental leave for part-timers

Following worker complaints, Apple will increase benefits for retail employees0 The new benefits go into place in April.

Apple is increasing its time off benefits for full- and part-time retail employees, according to a new Bloomberg report and information separately shared by a source to The Kupon4U.

The company will introduce the following new benefits starting April 4th, Bloomberg reports:

Apple confirmed the changes to Bloomberg and noted that they had been in the works for several months.

The new benefits arrive following The Kupon4U’s extensive December report about how Apple’s frontline workers, including those on its retail, support, and sales teams, are struggling to survive and that their complaints about working conditions have been largely ignored. Apple’s retail employees have also had to struggle with store closures and shifting policies about mask-wearing due to COVID-19. In January, the company announced internally that both corporate and retail staffers would have to get a COVID-19 booster shot or show a negative COVID-19 test before entering the workplace.
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